To begin installing new flooring or carpet, you'll need to remove the old carpet from the floor. You can make a big difference in the look and feel of your house by replacing old carpet with new flooring. You may save money and time by learning to remove carpets independently, even if you hire a professional. A small fee, usually added on top of the cost of installation, may be levied by carpet installers who remove your old carpet. Learn how to properly remove carpets and what equipment and supplies you'll need.
What you need to have:
Utility knife
Dust mask
Shop vacuum
Heavy work gloves
Floor scraper
Duck Tape
What you need to know:

Remove the furniture
It's essential that before you start working on your carpet, you should remove the furniture and other things out of the way. This is to avoid unnecessary happenings. Also, it will allow you to have full access to the place and work properly without interference.

Safety precautions
Wear a dust mask if you're working on an old carpet. Protective gloves should be used when cutting the carpet and handling tack strips to protect the hands from staples.

Was your carpet glued, stapled, or tacked?
It takes a lot of effort to pull up a carpet because of its size, weight, and bulk. If your carpet padding was attached using glue, you'd need to scrape it off with a scrubbing brush to remove the old adhesive. Another thing is the use of tack strips, thin strips of wood coated with hundreds of sharp nails, to secure the carpet to the floor. As soon as you take the carpet from these tacks, you'll need to remove the tack strips and the old carpet pad from the floor.

Start on the corner
Choosing a corner of your room and pulling up the carpet in that direction is the first step. This thin wood with nails or tacks is used for carpet installation. Using a utility knife, cut a tiny square off of the carpet's right-hand corner to free it from the rest of the room. After that, you can start ripping up the carpet by pulling on the larger section.

Roll up the carpet into strips
Using a utility knife, the carpet may be easily rolled up and moved by cutting it into manageable pieces. Carpet rolled into thirds should fit comfortably in a room of typical size. Roll back a third of your carpet in the middle of the room. Keep both hands on the blade of your utility knife as you cut along the fold. Use duct tape to keep your carpet from unraveling after cutting it.
If you leased a dumpster for your job, it would be much simpler to pick up and put off at the curb. Partition off areas like a closet or an entrance by cutting and rolling out the remainder of your carpet.

Remove the dried glue or tack strips
When replacing the carpet, you may leave the tack strips and the thin pieces of wood with nails around the room's perimeter that are in good condition. Use your crowbar to pry them up to get them off the floor. Do not forget to wear heavy-duty gloves. If glue was used to install your carpet, use a floor scraper to remove the dried glue from the surface.

Remove the pad used for your carpet
Removing the padding should be done starting from the corner. You'll want to fold the pad over and cut it into strips like the carpet. Pads may be glued or stapled to the subfloor. Scrape the floor with a floor scraper to remove debris and remove staples. You may also use pliers to remove the staples, but a floor scraper will save you time and frustration.

Check and Prepare Your Subfloor
The subfloor may be inspected when the padding is removed from the floor. Installing new hardwood floors or tile necessitates the removal of the subfloor, which may be difficult to rectify after the new flooring has been installed.

Clean the surface
Use a shop vacuum to remove any remaining debris from the subfloor. Find out your local sanitation department's policy on carpet disposal by contacting them. On a bulk-pickup day or at a drop-off location, you may have the option of putting it out. Some cities also have carpet recycling programs.
After following these steps, you can now put your new carpet and redesign the room to make it more lively and beautiful.
Because the cut carpet base has sharp edges, anybody attempting to remove the carpet should wear eye protection and gloves at the very least. All personnel should wear N-95 masks or respirators if the environment is very dusty or dirty, and the area should be ventilated adequately. It is possible that a few conditions in a room may be damaged due to the removal of carpets, according to the nature of carpet removal.
Additional masks may be available at your local hardware shop, some of which are geared at certain materials or particle sizes. Consider hiring a professional contractor if you suspect your house or workspace is plagued with mould or other rodents, such as mice. If you don't have the proper safety gear and ventilation in your workplace, you're putting yourself and others at risk.
Don't have time to do it yourself?